addArticle() method with the following relevant parameters: articleId = article.getArticleId(); autoArticleId = false; version = article.getVersion()+0.1 ...
It's because I'm trying to configure something like this: I have a list of articles in a home page, published with the Asset Publisher o Journal Articles, and ...
... web content by my custom portlet by using structure and template, 1) To Show the form on front end i am using following liferay html tag <liferay-ddm:html ...
addArticle. Simple example (I will change to context variables, just wanted to test it): JournalArticleLocalServiceUtil.addArticle(20156, 20143, 0, titleMap ...
ServiceContext context = new ServiceContext(); JournalArticleSoap newArticle = jasssSoap.addArticle( groupId, "", // articleId, or blank string if using auto ...
... addArticle(userId, groupId, 0, nameMap, nameMap, "test", structureKey ... site, and collect demographic information about our user base as a whole.
Hi!!!! I'm trying to add article with api: com.liferay.portlet.journal.service.JournalArticleServiceUtil JournalArticle addArticle(long groupId, * java.lang ...
I am getting "Access Denied" page. Please see the attached image. Regards, Prabhpreet. Attachments:.
... addArticle( Long.parseLong(PortletProps.get("userId")), Long.parseLong ... site, and collect demographic information about our user base as a whole.
Thanks for you help. The titleMap should be "{\"en_US\":\"Test JSON Article\"}" String object instead of the real JSON object like {en_US: "Test JSON Article"}.