Hi all, I have created through the web interface the following call CURL
Hi, I developed a portlet that added articles porgtrammatically using liferay 6.0.6 and all worked perfectly. Now we are upgrading to Liferay 6.1 and the ...
Hi!!!! I'm trying to add article with api: com.liferay.portlet.journal.service.JournalArticleServiceUtil JournalArticle addArticle(long groupId,
I am a newbie to Liferay. I would like to add programmatically articles (or other content) to liferay using php or via other means (xml, http, rest, soap.
We've been searching throw LifeRay API. To add new contents to the journal portlet we're suposed to use journalArticleServiceUtil.addArticle(...), but there are ...
JournalArticle newArticle = JournalArticleLocalServiceUtil.addArticle(userId ... site, and collect demographic information about our user base as a whole.
Hello, and thank you for the great informative post!! I am having trouble executing via JSONWS at http://localhost:8080/api/jsonws. Specifically the add-article ...
Hi, I am still trying to use the JournalArticleServiceHttp class to add JournalArticles to Liferay´s CMS. For my local installation of Liferay this works fine.
The past couple of years I've seen many examples of using Liferay's built-in JSON services in various ways. The architecture and syntax...
I'm working in Liferay DXP (trial version) with Wildfly 10.0.0 using sdk plugins from liferay 7 ga1 and i'm trying to create a journalArticle programatically.